2012 saw like-minded and like-hearted visionaries, Mr. Jimmy Tan, Dr. Harvey Uy and Dr. Pik Sha Chan Uy coming up with the idea to provide world-class eye care anchored on state-of-the-art technology and personalized service. Together, they are working towards a blind-free Philippines.
On January 2013, Peregrine Eye and Laser Institute was established. We currently have 3 key facilities conveniently located in Makati, Manila, and Quezon City.
We endeavor to give you the best of both worlds – scientifically up-to-date medical care, and compassionate, kind, and efficient service. Treatment is not only holistic and competent, but caring and personalized. Our doctors provide you with relevant information and options to help you make appropriate decisions. This is why PELI gives you Eye Care Like No Other.
PELI offers its patients a pool of medical experts who have different ophthalmological specializations and sub-specializations, trained in world-acclaimed educational/medical institutions such as Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins University, UCLA, California Pacific Medical Center, University of Wisconsin and Singapore National Eye Center; and have decades of extensive clinical and surgical experience.
Our complete line of world-class ophthalmic equipment and state-of-the-art operating theaters offers comprehensive eye care services that you need. We also have successfully handled both simple and difficult cases for Filipinos and foreigners alike.
Your comfort and well-being are of utmost importance to us. That’s why we continuously invest in improving our customer service by hiring well-credentialled, allied medical professionals. Our staff undergo annual trainings to enhance their technical and people skills. We installed and regularly upgrade IT solutions and processes which assist us in scheduling appointments and treatments for patients. We also designed our clinics to be more efficient, comfortable and welcoming for everyone.
To be known as a global eye care facility that is committed to the following:
We are proud to collaborate with a diverse network of accredited partners who share our commitment to excellence and quality.